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Fresh Food Club - What's in season?

"ideas on the freshest produce this season coupled with gourmet recipes for the freshest produce in town

What's fresh?


Imperial and Afourer mandarins, prized for their seedless, sweet, and juicy flesh, are a great bargain. Their easy-to-peel skin makes them a perfect snack for both kids and adults.

Why not try...


Lemons bring a tangy, refreshing touch to any dish and offer versatility in the kitchen. Eureka lemons, known for their firmness and thick skin, boast a high juice content.


Tropical tasting passionfruit are extra fleshy and juicy at the moment. Choose fruits that feel heavy for their size. Passionfruits are a bargain


Diversify your fruit bowl with a selection of new-season apples; enjoy various varieties such as Pink Lady, Fuji, Gala Red, Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Sassy, and Bravo, all currently in season.


Juicy, sweet Queensland, NSW, and SA navel oranges are bursting with juicy goodness. They are an excellent source of vitamin C and fibre


Firm avocados ripen typically in 2-5 days when left at room temperature. To check if they’re ready to eat, gently press the stem end—it should yield to pressure. During the current season, Hass & Shepard avocados are both available. Keep an eye out at your local greengrocer for the super-sized Avozilla – each avocado weighs in at about one kilo


Whether baked, roasted, mashed, or fried, however you prefer your potatoes, spuds are delicious and satisfying in the cooler months of the year. 5 kilo bags of brushed or washed potatoes offer extra value


Cauliflower prices have eased. Enjoy cauliflower roasted, grate to make cauliflower couscous, or cook, puree, and serve as a mashed potato substitute. This tip is especially useful for a low-kilojoule meal option.


Broccoli is a true powerhouse of natural goodness; however, to preserve broccoli’s vibrant colour and flavour, it’s best to cook it quickly after picking. Whether you prefer classic broccoli or its more elegant cousin, broccolini, you can find them at affordable prices.


Pick up chestnuts and freeze them for later, then add a flavour boost to your autumn meals. At $5-$15 per kilo, chestnuts are a versatile and healthy ingredient for various dishes, from autumn salads to roasted cauliflower and steamed Brussels sprouts. With their sweet, nutty flavour, chestnuts will make any meal special.


Discover the versatility of pumpkins. These bright and flavourful veggies are the perfect addition to your autumn meals. Whether you prefer savoury dishes like pumpkin soup, curry, roasted pumpkin salad, or sweet treats like pumpkin scones, there’s a pumpkin for the job.


Carrots hold a special place in Australian lives, with 89 percent pf households buying them weekly. These versatile veggies are perfect for soups, roasts, stir-fries, and casseroles. Thanks to their natural sweetness, they’re also fantastic in carrot cake or muffins. Premium Tasmanian carrots are great value this week.

Italian beans

Continental beans, also known as Italian, Roman or flat beans, make a nice change and offer good value this week